Boys Class

Roynon believe that it’s really important to offer a separate Boys Only class. This is for many reasons but ultimately because the content of the boys dance curriculum is massively different, so it would be unfair to not give it the separate attention it deserves.

Breaking the stereotype

Dance is sometimes stereotyped as ‘for girls’, focused on tutus, tiaras and skipping. This couldn’t be further from the truth, especially at Roynon Performing Arts! Even though there is certainly a place for tutus, tiaras and wands in ballet, all RPA classes are unique in their own right, just like every student.

Excited and energised

We are proud to offer boys challenging, rewarding and feel-good content which will get students engaged, excited and energised! Our Boys Class routines go down an absolute storm in our theatre productions and always get rave reviews from the audience…

RPA Boys Class always features a healthy slice of Hip-Hop and Contemporary moves but also touches upon other styles and tricks as featured in the likes of Jazz and Ballet.

Our idols

Iconic male dancers are found all across the industry, so the influence for RPA Boys Class is endless! Some of the instantly recognisable names include Diversity (high octane, clean and popping contemporary dance group led by Ashley Banjo), Ballet and Tap dancer Steven McRae and The Nicholas Brothers (iconic tap duo from 1930s who pulled off the most incredible, jaw-dropping bounces and splits in their equally impressive tap choreography!). 

Specialist support… and fun!

As a performing arts school, Roynon have a rapidly growing base of male dancers which is absolutely fantastic for the quality and range within the arts school.

We welcome any boys wishing to try out our dance sessions and will always be on hand to offer expert, specialist support to improve strength and agility, exam prep, festivals, event performance and much more.

Age groups

Lower School (Ages 2-7), Middle School (Ages 7-11), and Upper School (Ages 11-18)

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